Apple has restarted talks with OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, to strengthen some artificial intelligence features for iOS 18. According to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, the company is also developing its own large language models, but talks with OpenAI are specifically focused around a chatbot/search component. This move is seen as a sign that Apple is preparing to take bigger steps in AI technologies.
Licensing negotiations between Apple and Google
Apple is also in talks with Google to license Google's own artificial intelligence-supported chatbot Gemini for iOS 18. According to Bloomberg's report, these negotiations are still ongoing and Apple has not yet decided which company's technology it will use. Gurman notes that Apple may eventually choose to license technology from both companies or neither.
While Apple has so far been relatively quiet about its AI efforts, it continues to drop hints as other companies in Silicon Valley are rapidly joining the AI race. When it announced its earnings in February, CEO Tim Cook said Apple continues to work and invest in artificial intelligence and that “we're excited to share details of our ongoing work in this area later this year.”
With the launch of the new M3 MacBook Air last month, Apple described the device as the “world's best consumer laptop for AI.” Additionally, the company will reportedly begin releasing AI-focused laptops and desktops later this year. Apple also released several open-source large language models earlier this week that are designed to run locally on devices rather than in the cloud.
It is still unclear what the artificial intelligence features Apple will offer on iPhones and other devices will be. Creative AI is still notorious for being unreliable and producing misleading answers. Recently released AI-powered devices like the Humane Ai Pin have received disastrous reviews, while others like the Rabbit R1 have yet to prove their worth.
We will learn more details about this at the World Developers Conference (WWDC) on June 10. Apple is expected to announce its new strategies and collaborations in the field of artificial intelligence on this platform. These developments are seen as steps that will reinforce the company's leadership in technology and innovation.
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