Apple’s artificial intelligence features, called “Apple Intelligence,” can currently only be tried on the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max models. It is also considered certain that all members of the iPhone 16 series, which will be introduced next month, will be equipped with Apple Intelligence. Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman wrote in the latest issue of his “Power On” newsletter that the iPhone SE 4, which is expected to be introduced in early 2025, will also come with Apple Intelligence. If this claim is true, Apple’s affordable phone could become a much more attractive option.
Apple’s most affordable phone, the iPhone SE, offers powerful features in an old design. The company based its latest iPhone SE, released in 2022, on the design of the iPhone 8.
Apple is expected to switch to the iPhone 14 series case for the new iPhone SE, which will be released next year. This means that the company will say goodbye to the home button. It can easily be said that the new iPhone SE will have a much more modern look with the 6.1-inch OLED screen.
Apple’s current iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Plus models cannot run Apple Intelligence. However, the fact that the new iPhone SE will run Apple Intelligence indicates that the phone’s processor power will be quite high.
iPhone SE 4 could combine aspects of iPhone 14 and 16
It seems that the iPhone 16 will be different from the new iPhone SE with its features such as dual rear cameras and action buttons. With a design similar to the iPhone 14 and a performance close to the iPhone 16 series, it can be said that the new iPhone SE will be more attractive compared to its predecessors.