HMD announced that it will soon launch its new smartphone called Arrow in India. It is said that Arrow, which is stated to be a completely new device, will be ahead of the previously introduced HMD Pulse series phones in terms of its technical features.
The Arrow name was confirmed by the social media accounts of HMD's India office. At first glance, it was claimed that the phone was a pink Pulse and that it would be offered within the framework of the collaboration with the cricket team called Rajasthan Royals.
However, according to the news of the site called The Mobile Indian, the phone will come with a new design and “upgraded” technical features. It is said that the phone, which will be positioned in the middle segment, will be offered for sale in early June at a price below 20000 rupees (7734 TL).
HMD aims to have a say in the Indian market with Arrow
With its new smartphone, HMD aims to have a say in the Indian market, where affordable 5G phones are becoming widespread. It is stated that there are currently 160 million 5G users in China, which corresponds to 15 percent of total users. It is also underlined that operators are making the 5G experience increasingly faster.