Tips & Advice
Danish Kapoor
Danish Kapoor

Haptic Touch accelerates interaction when using iPhone with iOS 17

3D Touch, which first came into our lives with the iPhone 6S and continued until the XS and XS Max models, enabled the screen to react differently depending on your finger pressure level. However, in order to reduce costs and reduce design complexity, Apple removed this feature from the iPhone XR and later models and replaced it with the interaction called “Haptic Touch”, simulating some of the functions of 3D Touch with a long press.

The main problem was that this new touch-based feedback feature was a little slow. However, Apple has taken some steps to speed up Haptic Touch with this week’s release of iOS 17, which went out just earlier this week. You need to toggle the new “Tap duration” preference, which is buried a few levels deep in the Accessibility section, and offers three settings options: Default, Fast, and Slow.

The “Quick” option feels like Haptic Touch is pretty much harkening back to the old days of 3D Touch. While there is no negative side to the switch to faster tapping time, some users argue that Apple should set it as the new default.

3D Touch was a truly unique technology, although it was little used and became a feature mostly used by experienced users. Now, it looks like this technology will not come back. But at least the new, faster touch time makes the 3D Touch replacement more useful.

How to adjust Haptic Touch touch duration?

To customize Haptic Touch, follow these steps:

  • SettingsOpen .
  • Scroll down and accessibilitySelect .
  • Select Don’t Touch, then in the next menu Haptic TouchTap .
  • Here Touch Duration You will see the setting.
  • Select your preferred option: Default, fast, or slow. You can see how each option works below. Touch Duration Test You can try with .

Danish Kapoor