Danish Kapoor
Danish Kapoor

Ericsson announced consumer forecasts regarding 5G usage in Turkey

Ericsson’s latest published analyzes reveal the future potential of 5G technology in Turkey. It is predicted that 5G subscriptions will reach 60% in total by 2030, especially in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. This situation makes Turkey stand out as a strategic market that can benefit from the wide opportunities offered by 5G.

Ericsson’s Mobility Report dated November 2024 reveals that despite economic difficulties, 5G deployment continues without losing momentum. On a global scale, it is estimated that there will be 6.3 billion 5G subscribers by 2030, and these users will account for 80% of total mobile data traffic. Turkey is not expected to stay out of these developments. So much so that, in line with increasing user demands and digitalization targets, 5G infrastructure will open the doors to a major transformation.

Consumers’ connection quality expectations are increasing

Ericsson’s ConsumerLab research analyzes in detail consumers’ expectations of 5G technology and digital service usage trends. Accordingly, 35% of 5G users worldwide state that they are willing to pay additional fees for higher quality connection. In particular, this raises the need for improved grid performance and the potential of on-demand connection models.

Especially in Turkey, the effectiveness of 5G is of great importance in areas such as artificial intelligence-supported applications and digital broadcasting. Generative AI applications, which have become popular in recent years, aim to increase weekly usage rates by 2.5 times in the next five years. This trend brings consumers’ expectations for improved network performance in terms of both speed and reliability.

In Turkey, the impact of 5G has begun to be felt in areas such as the gaming industry, mobile financial solutions and healthcare services. User experiences will improve significantly, especially thanks to low latency and guaranteed bandwidth. In addition, companies are expected to increase their operational efficiency with 5G-based solutions.

5G SA and advanced technologies will support transformation

Advanced 5G technologies will directly impact not only individual users but also businesses. 5G Standalone (5G SA) and 5G Advanced technologies, which are used by only 20% of communication service providers today, are expected to support 60% of global subscriptions by 2030. These advances will enable large-scale IoT solutions by paving the way for innovative services such as network slicing and low-latency applications.

According to Ericsson’s report, Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) solutions provided by 5G offer significant opportunities to meet the needs of individual and corporate users. Especially in regions struggling with economic difficulties, such technologies will bring high-performance internet access to wider audiences.

The impact of 5G technology in Turkey will not be limited to individual users only. Digital transformation will accelerate thanks to the use of 5G in critical sectors such as healthcare, smart cities and e-learning. This transformation will create new opportunities for both businesses and consumers and significantly increase economic potential.

In her statement on the subject, Ericsson Turkey General Manager Işıl Yalçın states that 5G has a great potential to accelerate digitalization and transform user experiences in Turkey. In addition, it is stated that communication service providers can achieve significant revenue increases with the spread of performance-based business models.

Danish Kapoor