Apple introduced another important innovation in the technology world with the new iPad Pro models it announced earlier this week. These new models use Tandem OLED displays, an industry first, and are supplied by South Korean technology giant Samsung and LG Display. The products also stand out as the thinnest devices Apple has ever produced.
Another notable innovation in Apple's new iPad Pros is their advanced thermal design. In particular, the Apple logo integrated into the cooling system of the iPad Pro functions as a passive cooling element. This logo is made of copper material and designed to effectively dissipate the heat generated by the M4 chip.
The new M4 chip at the heart of the iPad Pro provides significant performance and efficiency increases compared to previous models. Apple claims that the iPad Pro has 20% better cooling capacity with this new chip, but it does not explain how much the copper logo contributes to this cooling performance.
The new iPad Pros stand out not only with thermal design but also with other innovations. Tandem OLED display technology allows these devices to have a thinner profile, while also offering superior performance in color accuracy and brightness. These displays take the visual experience of iPad Pro even further.
iPad Pro has compatibility with the new Apple Pencil Pro
Additionally, the new iPad Pro models are also compatible with the new high-tech Pencil Pro. This new accessory is designed specifically for professional users and aims to increase creativity and productivity when used with iPad Pro.
These innovations of Apple may also be noteworthy for rival companies. Especially while Samsung has adopted different approaches in its Galaxy Tab S9 series, Apple's strategic use of its logo as a cooling component can be considered an important step in terms of both functionality and brand image.
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