Danish Kapoor
Danish Kapoor

YouTube video partially removes water from iPhone speakers

A video shared on YouTube promising to remove water from an iPhone’s speakers may seem like an unreliable suggestion at first glance, but tests have shown that the method can work to some extent. The two-minute video, which has reached over 45 million views, has received more than 140,000 comments over the past four years, and has been evaluated positively by many users.

These kinds of claims, which are often heard in the technology world but are often found unrealistic, are usually met with skepticism. However, the reviews made for this video show that some results can be obtained in removing water from speakers. iPhone models, especially those with advanced waterproofing, have become more suitable for such experiments. On the other hand, the method suggested in the video is limited to removing water droplets inside the speaker.

Since speakers are essentially devices that produce sound by moving air, they can also be used to push water droplets out. This is based on the principle that the sound creates a powerful airflow at bass frequencies, pushing water droplets trapped inside the speaker out. As a Bose spokesperson noted, the larger and more powerful the speakers, the more efficient this process becomes. However, since phone speakers are usually small, the results these videos offer may be limited.

The review with iFixit tests confirms

To further investigate this video, renowned tech repair company iFixit conducted tests on four different phone models. One of these tests was conducted on the iPhone 13. The tests revealed that the video did indeed remove some water from the speakers. Close-up images showed that water droplets were coming out of the speaker area of ​​the phone. However, this process was limited to cleaning the water deposits on the speakers only; it did not have any effect on the USB port, SIM card slot, or the water deposits under the buttons.

While it’s not possible to completely remove water from your phone as videos like these promise, partially removing water trapped in the speakers can improve the sound quality of your phone. However, it’s important to remember that these methods are not permanent solutions and that in cases of water damage, it’s safer to seek professional help.

While Apple has not made an official statement about such videos, it is known that the water removal system used in Apple Watch devices is based on a similar principle. Since this method is not effective in removing water from other areas of the phone, users need to be more careful and conscious.

In conclusion, although such videos on YouTube seem to be partially helpful in some cases, relying completely on the waterproofing features of the phone or trying to fix water damage with unprofessional methods can be risky. The best way to prevent water damage on phones is to protect the device from contact with water and seek professional support when exposed to water.

Danish Kapoor