Leaks about the Vivo T3 Pro have been floating around for a while now. The phone, which recently appeared on Geekbench’s database, was confirmed to be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 processor. The fact that Vivo’s microsite for the phone has been launched means that the official announcement is not far away.
This page also provides a glimpse into some of the phone’s features. The T3 Pro’s curved AMOLED display has a refresh rate of 120 Hz and a maximum brightness level of 4,500 nits.
Vivo does not forget to emphasize that the T3 Pro will be the “brightest curved phone” in its segment. It is also possible to see the back panel of the T3 Pro on the microsite. Here, it is immediately noticeable that the orange back panel is covered with artificial leather. It was stated that more information about the design will be shared on August 20.
Vivo T3 Pro likely to be unveiled after August 26
Vivo is already confirming the existence of the “turbo processor”, the details of which will be announced on August 21. While August 23 is indicated for the details of the main camera with Sony sensors, details about the “turbo battery” will be shared as of August 26. This schedule means that the official announcement of the phone will be made after August 26.
According to previous leaks, the Vivo T3 Pro will be powered by a 5500 mAh battery, while the main camera will be a 50-megapixel sensor.