The Xiaomi 14 Ultra with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor was introduced last February. According to rumors, the Xiaomi 15 Ultra will also become official in February 2025. The famous tipster Digital Chat Station announced that it has reached one of the first engineering prototypes of a phone called “Ultra” with a Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 processor, and it is estimated that the device mentioned here is the Ultra version of the Xiaomi 15.
The post in question sheds light on some details about the smartphone. It is said that the Xiaomi 15 Ultra has a large and round camera module like its predecessor, but some significant changes have been made to the camera arrangement in this module. It is stated that the quad-camera setup includes two telephoto and one large periscope lens.
It is stated that the 50-megapixel main camera sensor will also be larger than its predecessor. This indicates that the sensor size has increased or the aperture width has increased. The main camera in the Xiaomi 14 Ultra is undertaken by a 1-inch Sony LYT-900 sensor. In the Xiaomi 15 Ultra, it is likely that the sensor size will exceed 1 inch. The increase in the sensor indicates that significant improvements have been made in camera performance.
The latest news is that the Xiaomi 15 Ultra will come with a four-sided micro-curved display. This display will support 2K resolution and will have an ultrasonic in-display fingerprint sensor. The smartphone is expected to come with Android 15 and HyperOS 2.0 out of the box. One of the rear cameras could be a 200-megapixel Samsung HP9 periscope telephoto sensor with 4x optical zoom support.
Xiaomi 15 Ultra will come with 24 GB RAM
As we mentioned above, the Xiaomi 15 Ultra is likely to be powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 processor. The RAM options accompanying this processor will be up to 24 GB. The phone is expected to come with a 6200 mAh battery, while different coating options are said to be being considered for the back panel.