Xiaomi will introduce its new smartwatch called Redmi Watch 5 Active in India. The smartwatch will be introduced on September 27. The posts made by Xiaomi already show the design of the smartwatch and confirm its important features.
The Redmi Watch 5 Active has a 2-inch square-shaped touchscreen. It is estimated that this is an OLED panel. The Watch 5 Active, which can be used to make phone calls via Bluetooth, will offer a clear sound experience with the Clear+ feature.
The Redmi Watch 5 Active promises users a battery life of up to 18 days. While this duration is impressive, it seems highly likely that it is achieved with battery saving mode.
Redmi Watch 5 Active will come out of the box with HyperOS
The smartwatch will come out of the box with Xiaomi’s HyperOS operating system. The Watch 5 Active, which will come with Alexa voice assistant integration, will support more than 140 sports modes. Features such as heart rate, SpO2 and sleep tracking are also expected to be available on the Watch 5 Active.