Danish Kapoor
Danish Kapoor

OpenAI plans to raise ChatGPT price to $44 in five years

According to the information provided to investors by OpenAI, the ChatGPT usage fee will be increased to $ 22 per month by the end of the year. The company also reportedly plans to gradually increase this price to $44 over the next five years.

According to documents obtained by The New York Times, OpenAI generated $300 million in revenue in August this year and aims to make total sales of $3.7 billion by the end of the year. However, it is stated that the company will lose $5 billion this year due to various expenses such as salaries, rent and operational costs.

It is stated that the main reason behind OpenAI putting these documents into circulation is to stabilize the financial situation of the company by finding new investors or alleviating the existing financial deficit.

Fortunately, OpenAI is attracting investment with a market valuation of $150 billion and is projected to raise up to $7 billion from the new investment round.

OpenAI, which plans to increase the price of ChatGPT, is moving to a new business model

It is also stated that OpenAI is in the process of transforming from a non-profit model to a for-profit company. This new business model allows the removal of restrictions on investor returns and opens the door to negotiating higher rates with new investors.

Danish Kapoor