Leaks and rumors about the Motorola X50 Ultra have been around for a while. The date when the smartphone will be unveiled has finally been announced. X50 Ultra will be introduced in China on May 16.
While it was stated that artificial intelligence capabilities will be in focus, it was announced that the new artificial intelligence-enabled laptops of Lenovo, Motorola's parent company, will also be unveiled at the event.
It seems quite likely that the X50 Ultra will be the version of the Edge 50 Ultra that will be released in China. The periscope camera's oval lens and wood-like rear panel stand out as factors that strengthen this possibility.
Motorola X50 Ultra may differ from Edge 50 Ultra in some aspects
However, it should be noted that these phones may not be exactly the same. Motorola's phones are generally released to the Chinese market with minor differences compared to their global versions.
Moto X40 and Edge 40 Pro came with different lenses in front of the same camera sensors. Edge 30 Ultra offered reverse wireless charging, which was disabled on the Moto X30 Pro. Edge X30, on the other hand, was introduced with an under-screen camera that was not available in the Edge 30 Pro.
It looks like the X50 Ultra will continue this tradition. We need to wait until May 16 to see where the X50 Ultra and Edge 50 Ultra will differ.