Google launched its AI-powered Search Overview feature in the US last May. Its intelligence was questioned after it suggested a user put rocks and glue on a pizza. The internet giant is still rolling out the feature in six other countries, however.
It will now be possible to use Search Overview in the UK, India, Japan, Indonesia, Mexico, and Brazil. As part of this expansion, local languages from these countries are also being added to the list of support for Search Overview.
While the Search Overview feature can make mistakes, Google emphasizes that younger users between the ages of 18 and 24 are more likely to engage with the feature. The company also notes that the results users see with Search Overview are more helpful.
There’s now a link display on the right for Search Overview on desktop (which can also be accessed on mobile by tapping the site icons in the top right). Google is also testing adding links to related web pages directly within the Search Overview text to make it easier to navigate and check out topics you’re interested in.
Google AI-powered Search Also Allows You to Save Incoming Gaze Information
A new experiment running at Search Labs lets you save a specific Search Overview for future reference. Just tap the Save button below the Search Overview. Then tap the profile icon and go to the Interests page to see the records. It’s worth noting, though, that this is only available to English speakers living in the US. You’ll also need to sign up for the experiment through Search Labs.
Finally, some overviews will have the option to simplify the language with a single tap, which can be handy if you’re new to a topic and want an easier way to digest the information.