Rumors and leaks about the Xiaomi 14 Ultra have been around for a while. New ones are added regularly. The smartphone, which is expected to be introduced at the end of February, recently appeared in Geekbench’s database. This indicates that the official announcement of 14 Ultra is not far away.
The smartphone entered Geekbench’s database with the model number Xiaomi 24030PN60G and the code name “Aurora”. The smartphone received 9317 for its single-core performance and 26523 for its multi-core performance.
However, it would be beneficial to approach these results with some caution. Because the test was conducted in Geekbench 4, an old version, instead of Geekbench 6, the most current version, this means that the numbers may be inflated. At the heart of the phone is the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor.
What other features does Xiaomi 14 Ultra have?
The results page of the benchmark test shows that the 14 Ultra has 16 GB of RAM and that the phone will come with Android 14 out of the box. It seems very likely that the HyperOS interface will complement this operating system.
1-inch Sony LYT-900 sensor, 1440p resolution curved AMOLED screen and 80W wireless charging support are among the phone’s features.