Samsung's One UI 6.1 interface update was first offered to users with the Galaxy S24 series. This update, which reached some 2023 model phones via wireless connection in late March, now seems to come to Samsung as it turns its attention to more devices, especially the 2022 flagship phones and last year's mid-segment Galaxy A54.
These phones, which have not yet received the One UI 6.1 update, may receive the update in the near future. It has been reported that Samsung's servers contain software in testing for several older phone models. there is news. It seems quite high that the device owners mentioned above, at least those abroad, will receive the update by the end of April.
When will the One UI 6.1 update arrive and what will it offer?
Samsung's test servers do not contain exact information about when the public update will be released for the Galaxy S22 series, Z Fold 4 and Flip 4 foldable phones, and Galaxy A54. However, according to sources, the One UI 6.1 update may be rolled out in Asia, Europe, India and South Korea regions next week.
As for what the update will bring; It is known that Samsung has not developed Galaxy AI features for these phones. The company has continued its efforts to bring Galaxy AI only to the latest Android phones and tablets coming out in 2023. While there is a possibility that Galaxy AI features will be available at a later date for the Galaxy Z Fold 4, Flip 4 and S22 series, this is not the case for the Galaxy A54, which is a mid-segment phone. In fact, even the new Galaxy A55 has been stripped of artificial intelligence (AI) features.