With the decision taken by the Competition Authority (RK), Threads social media application will be closed to users in Turkey as of April 29, 2024. This means that users in Turkey cannot download the Threads application, access it via threads.net, create a new Threads profile or use their existing Threads profiles.
Threads profiles created by users located in Turkey will be disabled but not deleted. When the profile is disabled, users' profile and content (for example: posts, interactions with other posts) will not be visible to themselves or other users. Users will not be able to reactivate their profile during this process.
This will not affect your Instagram account and data related to this account. While your profile is deactivated, you may download a copy of your Threads-related information at any time. You also have the option to delete your Threads profile. Users who have created more than one Threads profile can visit threads.net to manage their additional profiles.
Threads officials stated that they are continuing their efforts to bring the application back to Turkey in the near future. This development comes at a time when interventions by regulatory bodies in different countries on social media platforms and digital communication tools are increasing.